Home Power PlatformsAI Builder Comprehensive AI Builder Calculator

Comprehensive AI Builder Calculator

by Mo Faheem
AI Builder Calculator

Alongside the rising demand for AI intelligence with business applications, organizations must be able to cost their potential AI Builder consumption. AI Builder is priced based on the expected consumption, and to be able to estimate the cost of this consumption using the AI Builder calculator. To try the AI Builder, use the following link https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/ai-builder-calculator/. For more information about AI Builder.

AI Builder Calculator

To estimate the AI Builder cost use the AI Builder Cost Estimator https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/ai-builder-calculator/.

AI Builder Calculator - AI Builder Cost Estimator

AI Builder models

All AI Builder models collectively are calculated using the AI Builder Calculator. Currently, there are the following models.

  • Business card reader
  • Category classification
  • Entity extraction
  • Business card reader
  • Category classification
  • Entity extraction
  • Form processing
  • Key phrase extraction
  • Language detection
  • Object detection
  • Prediction
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Text recognition

Each of these models consumes the AI Builder credits differently.

AI Builder add-on units

AI Builder addons are sold in units, where each of the units offers million service credits per month.

Each of the model types consumes a different amount of the service credits, as explained below based on the usage examples sections.

AI Builder add-on units
AI Builder add-on units

Usage examples

Each of the usage examples has customer usage examples provided with each of the models.

AI Builder usage example
Usage examples

Note that buying one credit unit covers all the models’ consumptions.

Buying AI Builder Capacity add-on units

To buy the estimated AI Builder Capacity addon units, we need to log to Microsoft 365 admin center https://admin.microsoft.com/ using a global admin user. Add the estimated number of credits!

Microsoft 365 admin center - Buying AI Builder Capacity add-on units
Microsoft 365 admin center – Buying AI Builder Capacity add-on units

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