I wrote once before bout fair use and my confusion between D365 Marketing quota limits and usage limits. If you require to learn more about the difference between the two, please refer back to the previous post about Dynamics 365 Marketing fair use or check Microsoft about quota limits or usage and fair use limits.
D365 Marketing quota limits and usage limits
This post will discuss how we will check D365 Marketing quota limits and usage limits and why our clients and we need to keep track of their quota and limits.
Dynamics 365 Marketing Settings
Both quota limits and usage limits can be accessed from Dynamics 365 Marketing settings that can be accessed directly from the Marketing app.
Choose the settings option from the bottom left and from the area selector, as shown in the snapshot to the right.
Marketing Setting is different from the system settings. From here, we can control how the Marketing app will operate.
Then from the “Overview” section on the settings page, we will see both options of D365 Marketing quota limits and usage limits, as shown below.

D365 Marketing quota limits
As explained in the previous post, the quota limits are what we buy. As Dynamics 365 Marketing is not priced per seat, and as a matter, of fact, is priced by a number of active marketing contact, we can see the consumption out of our quota.
The minimum number of marketing contacts we get when we first start using Dynamics 365 is 10,000 contacts. And we can buy more contacts if we wish so. For more information about licensing and how can we buy more quota, please check Dynamics 365 pricing guide.
I just started a demo; thus, there is no usage yet. However, in a real example, we will be able to see more live data and estimate the future growth and cost of Dynamics 365 Marketing.

I will discuss the marketing contacts and the marketing interaction quotas. Still, I will start with the contacts first as this is how the overall quota is calculated, while in the above dashboard, the marketing contacts came after the marketing interactions.
Marketing contacts
The Quota Limits dashboard can observe the marketing contacts consumption from the bottom left.
As shown in the snapshot, every Dynamics 365 Marketing starts at least with 10,000 contacts, and my usage is 0.0%, although I have contacts, accounts and leads in the instance. The reason why non of those contact are counted against my usage is that I didn’t market to any of those contacts.
Once a contact receives a marketing activity such as an email or joins a customer journey, this contact will be counted as a marketing contact and will be deducted from the quota.

Also, from the dashboard, we will be able to monitor the growth of the marketing contacts and estimate if we will require to buy more quota.
Monthly interaction quota
, we get ten times the marketing interactions of our marketing contacts every month.
So, in our case, we have 10,000 marketing contacts and therefore, we get 100,000 monthly interactions.
It is essential to know that every month the quota resets, and this is why it is only important to monitor it every month and see that we can’t carry over our quota to the coming months. This is important for companies who have a seasonal business that is more active during some months of the year than the rest of the year.
The monthly interactions are divided mainly by marketing emails, text messages and push notifications.

The chart above should show the fluctuation of marketing interaction month to month.
Noteworthy, we need to know that we might require to purchase additional quota limits because we might exceed our interaction quota, even though we didn’t exceed our marketing quota limit.
D365 Marketing Usage Limits
On the other hand, D365 Marketing Usage Limits are the maximum limits that we cannot buy beyond. This was explained in the fair use post if you require understanding those limits.
In the fair use policy usage limits dashboard below, we can see only the segment quotas limits. The proper use covers more limitations than the segment quotas, and I presume it is not showing because none of those elements was yet created in this trial instance.

It is important to know that Dynamics 365 Marketing doesn’t get to be priced by the number of segments, nor we can buy addtionational segments. The fair usage limits the number of segments that we can great to 10,000, out of which only 1000 can be active.
It is essential to say that I never came across a case where that client required as many segments as allowed by the fair usage policy usage limits.
I hope this article clears the confusion of D365 Marketing quota limits and usage limits.