The new real-time marketing features in Dynamics 365 Marketing (currently in preview) has come with a new set of settings that is accessible from the marketing settings. From the Customer engagement section, we can set the “Audience configuration”.
Real-Time marketing audience configuration
Real-Time marketing audience configuration is where we can set the fields that are used by the system to send emails and SMS messages.

Data Sources
A major difference between the traditional outbound and the new real-time marketing is that the data sources of each. So far, outbound marketing is contact table centric. In comparison, the new real-time marketing can have more than data sources.
Soon as part of 2021 wave 1, the traditional outbound marketing will have more than data source.
Real-time marketing has three data sources (Contacts, Leads and customer profile).
Each of the data sources has a recipient main fields for marketing emails and SMSs. Additional fields can be added and will be explained in detail below.

By default the contact recipient fields are emailaddress1 for the emails and mobilephone for text messages.
By default the lead recipient fields are emailaddress1 for the emails and mobilephone for text messages.
Customer Profile
This is a new narketing table msdynci_customerprofile. Yet in preview and no default fields are set and we are not able yet to change them.
Contact point type
There are two contact point types (channels) in Dynamics 365 Real-time Marketing: email or text messages. We require to set a recipient field per each of the data sources for each of the contact point types.
Additional recipient fields (more the one) can be added for each of the contact point types.

Email consent
To comply with antispam regulations, such as GDPR and CASL, we require to claim email recipients consent to receive commercial marketing emails. However, there is a major difference in how we claim consent in outbound marketing compares to real-time marketing.
Outbound Marketing
Requires one consent for all emails.
Real-time Marketing
Requires a consent for each email of the emails.