Home StreamsDynamics 365 Setting up the higher education portal

Setting up the higher education portal

by Mo Faheem
Higher Education Portal

The higher education portal is the students’ interface to interact with Dynamics 365 higher education accelerator and follow their applications and progress with the university or the college. Setting up the higher education portal has to be done when setting a higher education accelerator.

For more information on setting up the higher education portal, check Microsoft’s documentation.

Setting up a blank Power Apps Portal

Firstly, as explained in a previous post, we have to provision a Power Apps Portal. This action might take a few hours.

Setting up a Power Apps Portal

Enabling JavaScript and CSS

After provisioning the Power Apps Portal, and before we start installing the higher education accelerator, we have to allow JavaScript (.js) and Cascading Style Sheet (.css) files required for the higher education solution.

From Dynamics 365 Settings and under the Administration section, select the System section as shown below.

Ander the “Set blocked file extensions for attachments”, remove JavaScript (.js) and Cascading Style Sheet (.css) files extensions as highlighted on the right snapshot.

remove extention
Set blocked file extensions for attachments

Changing portal binding

After portal and higher education deployment, as explained in a previous post, It is time to set the portal binding to the accelerator portal binding.

Portal Settings

From make.powerapps.com, locate the environment where you provisioned the higher education accelerator. Then from the Apps menu, find the new portal and select the portal settings as shown below.

Portal settings

From the portal settings quick form, select the administration link where we can control the newly created portal.

The administration link will take you to the Power Apps portals admin centre.

Update Portal Binding

Change the portal binding the Power Apps portals admin center as shown below.

 Power Apps portals admin center

Restart the portal

Finally, we are required to restart the portal from the portal actions link, as shown below.

Portal restart

higher education portal

Now, we can browse the newly created higher education portal using the given Power Apps Portal link. The link will have the higher domain chosen by you followed by this domain “powerappsportals.com”

Higher education portal

In the following post, we will discuss how can we grant students access to the portal.

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