I passed Exam PL-100: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker, and I share my experience with the PowerPlatforms community who are preparing for the exam.
PL-100 experience
In my continuous study and experience working with Microsoft Power Platforms, such as canvas apps, model-driven apps, power portal and Power Automate flows, I knew that I am ready to go for the exam.
Demand for business applications is growing, espcially, with low code / no code approach the deman for business apps will grow even more in the coming years. Hence, PL-100 exam is an important credintional to obtain.
The exam helps business executives easily make and deploy applications that greatly impact the business. Furthermore, business executives know the business procedures and requirements more than any developer. Knowing how to make The Low-code apps and flow has made it easy for businesses to react to business needs effectively and productively without a long and complicated development process.

Prepare for PL-100
I think that the best thing I did was going for PL-100 right after passing PL-200. There are big similarity between the two exams and what I learned from studying for PL-200 is for sure was useful to pass the App maker exam.
I am also planning to go for exam PL-400: Microsoft Power Platform Developer soon, and I think passing the first exams will sure be the foundation for PL-400.
Certificates validity
As I explained in a previous post the Microsoft exam policy and how to get the certificates renewed, A new Microsoft certification policy was announced back on December 15, 2020, the certificates earned before June 2021 has a 2 years validity, while the certificates earned after will have a one-year validity. Therefore, taking the exam in May will grant me 2 years of validity instead of 1 year, based on the new policy.
Gained Certificates
Microsoft Certified: Power Platform App Maker Associate
PL-100 provide a certificate by itself as shown on the Microsoft Certified: Power Platform App Maker Associate page.

Once PL-100 is passed, the user will immediately gain a certificate without any prerequisites – Microsoft Certified: Power Platform App Maker Associate.
Skill measured:
- Design solutions (10-15%)
- Create solutions (55-60%)
- Analyze and visualize data (5-10%)
- Implement and manage solutions (15-20%)

Thanks for sharing your experience! Any specific good resources you can recommend besides the MS Learn path to prepare for PL-100?
I always depend on the Microsoft Learning path. check the link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/paths/create-powerapps/
I think that Microsoft directs you to what the exam is about and most importantly, what is new and keeps you updated.
Thanks. I totally agree that MS Learn paths are the best way to start, Microsoft invested a lot into resources there. Just collecting other good resources for students. I like this post from MSFT very much, so many good things for people starting with Power Apps – https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/microsoft-powerapps-learning-resources/