Home StreamsSales Sales accelerator setup

Sales accelerator setup

by Mo Faheem
Sales accelerator setup

Before going into setup sales accelerator, it is important to understand what sales accelerator is. Simply, sales accelerator is one of Dynamics 365 sales insights AI features that help the sales team focus on high-velocity selling. For more information about sales accelerator

Sales Insights settings

From Dynamics 365 Sales hub > from the bottom left, application selection > select Sales Insights settings.

Then, Sales accelerator section > setup.

Sales Insights settings

Sales accelerator – Sample data

Installing sales accelerator sample data can be helpful to understand the tool or to present it for client demo, however, installing sample data is possible only in sandbox environments. Sample records are identified by a followed by (Sample).

Production environment

Sales accelerator sample data is not available in production environments.

No Sample data in production

Sandbox environment

Sales accelerator sample data is only available in sandbox environments.

Sample data available in non-production

Remove sample data

Sales accelerator can be removed and then can be added again if needed.

Define team access, security roles

The system administrator or sales manager will be able to enable the sales accelerator to all security roles or define which of the roles will have access to the sales accelerator.

For example, enable the account manager and system manager to access the sales accelerator.

Define team access

Choose content and layout

The system administrator or sales manager can choose the record types (either lead or opportunity) and the forms that will be used for the sales accelerator. The selected record types (either lead or opportunity) will be available in the “sequence” sales insights feature.

Choose content and layout

Automate activity creation

The sales managers using sequences can automat activity creation for the selected records in the previoucs step for their sales team members. Sample data, when configered, will setup 2 activity sequences for lead and opportunit as shown below.

Automate activity creation

Set up integrated calls

A direct calling from dynamincs 365 can be configured, either using MS Teams or other softphone. When using MS Teams, other AI capablities can be obtained.

Set up integrated calls

Save and Publish

After setting all the previous steps, save an publish sales accelerator settings.

publish sales accelerator settings

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